We consider the resolution of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as an important management issue. Regarding solutions to social issues pursued by the international community, we are working to enhance our corporate value and realize a sustainable society based on SENQCIA’s SDG Vision and in line with our management philosophy, "We will contribute to the development of society through providing high-quality products and services."


Each employee is committed to the Corporate Philosophy, aiming to realize a sustainable society and sustainable growth as a company.

To achieve this vision, we have established three key issues (materialities). By steadily achieving each of these materialities, we will achieve sustainable growth and contribute to solving social issues through our business.


To realize a resource-recycling society, we will work to reduce the environmental impact through our corporate activities.

2.Developing safe and
    secure cities

Our anti-seismic technology, cultivated over many years, contributes to the development of disaster-resistant cities.

3.Vibrant workplaces

We respect diversity and strive to create a rewarding work environment.

1.Environmental conservation

In order to realize a resource-recycling society, we will work to reduce the environmental impact through our corporate activities.

7.Affordable and Clean Energy
13.Climate Action
14.Life Below Water
15.Life On Land

【Use of Green Power】

  • Kanto Works uses solar power generation to provide a portion of the electricity used for production.

【Reducing energy usage and CO₂ emissions】

  • We are working to reduce energy consumption through improved productivity (automation and man-hour saving) and to reduce CO₂ emissions at production sites.
  • At our head office and other locations, we will try to reduce power consumption through the Cool Biz campaign and indoor temperature control.

【Establishment of CO₂ reduction targets】

  • Based on the level of social requirements, we have set a CO2 reduction target (scope1,2) for FY2030 of “30% reduction from FY2021 levels” and are implementing company-wide initiatives to achieve the target.

【Environmental Management System】

  • We obtained ISO 14001 environmental certification in 2000. Through the operation and continuous improvement of this system, we will strive to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities.
ISO14001 EMS
Registered certification body Japan Quality Assurance Organization
Certificate number JQA-EM1155
Organization SENQCIA CORPORATION Kanto Works
Scope of Registration The design / development and manufacture of free access floor.
Registration date December 8, 2000
Last renewal Date August 28, 2021
Date of revision July 29, 2022
Expiry date August 27, 2024

-Environmental Preservation Activities-

Based on the ISO14001 environmental management system, an international standard, we are committed to promoting resource and energy conservation, reducing industrial waste emissions, and environmentally friendly manufacturing with the participation of all employees. In recent years, we have focused on expanding our eco-friendly products, especially those that address environmental conditions in Japan and abroad.

Hydraulic vibration control Dampers

Hydraulic vibration control Damper

Maintenance free.

Clean Room Floor Systems

Clean Room Floor Systems

Recyclable aluminum die-cast.

Wood Core Steel Panel Systems (For MINATO Model use)

Wood Core Steel Panel System (For MINATO Model use)

Minato model agreement timber is used for particleboard.

“BIFU” for Underfloor Air Conditioning Systems

“BIFU” for Underfloor Air Conditioning Systems

Air conditioning energy consumption can be reduced by 10~15%.

2.Developing safe and secure cities

Our anti-seismic technology, cultivated over many years, contributes to the development of disaster-resistant cities.

6.Clean Water and Sanitation
11.Sustainable Cities and Communities
12.Responsible Consumption and Production

【Providing solutions based on the keywords of “safety and security,” “labor saving,” “anti-seismic” and “environment”】

【Contribute to solving social issues through our business activities”】

【Contributing to disaster-resistant urban development through innovation in building materials equipment manufacturing technology”】

With our know-how and problem-solving skills we have cultivated over the years, we have developed and provided products that contribute to the creation of disaster-resistant cities by being sensitive to social themes that change with the times. We will continue to contribute to the development of safe and secure communities through our business activities.


Our HIBASE System has been on the market for half a century. With our established design methods and construction know-how, we continue to adapt it to the needs of society and support the longevity of steel-framed buildings.

Raised Floor Systems

Various lineups of raised floor systems meet diversifying needs and create a safe, comfortable and ecological indoor environment.


Our HIRING System and SMARTDIA System realize man-hour savings and shortened construction periods, and supports steel-framed buildings in term of safety, convenience, and economy.

Vibration control Damper "HIBUILDAM" and "Xtendam"

Our Dampers provide high vibration control performance to not only skyscrapers but also high and mid-rise buildings, contributing durability and livability to those structures.

Seismic Reinforcement

Seismic Reinforcement for retrofitting railway facilities, factory warehouses, etc.
It ensures the safety and longevity of those structures.

3.Vibrant workplaces

We respect diversity and strive to create a rewarding work environment.

4.Quality Education
5.Gender Equality
8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
10.Reduced Inequalities
17.Partnerships for the Goals

【Creating an environment that embraces diversity and promote women's advancement】

  • We have set a target of “25% female employees and 10 or more female managers by 2028”

【Realization of a workplace where people can work with a sense of job satisfaction and happiness】

  • We will continuously foster a corporate culture in which employees are active and motivated, and we will work to reform work styles, including our personnel system and the environment.

【Improving the work site environment】

  • We aim to create a sustainable work environment by reforming work styles such as visualization, labor saving, and automation of construction work.

Click here to contact us if you have any enquiries about our products.